
An economic Single-Molecule Microscopy Platform

Build your own liteTIRF
Schematic overview of the liteTIRF platform.

Easy replicate

The liteTIRF features a compact and robust design, almost exclusively designed using off-the-shelf components. With the interactive CAD model and the additional documentation provided, we try to make the replication as easy as possible.

Super-resolution image using DNA nanostrucures and DNA-PAINT shows sub-10 nm resolution.

High Resolution

The liteTIRF platform was designed to deliver high resolution imaging capability. Using DNA nanostructures, we show that spatial resolution below 10 nm is possible.

Dual-color super-resolution image of microtubule network (green) and mitrochondria marker TOM20 (magenta).


Exchange-PAINT enables sequential imaging of multiple targets. Combined with the liteTIRF platform, it offers highly multiplexed super-resolution imaging without the need of cumbersome sample preparation and complex multi-color instrumentation.

3D super-resolution image recorded of tetradheadron DNA origami gathered with the liteTIRF platform.

3D Imaging

The liteTIRF platform is not limited to two-dimensional imaging. Using astigmatism-based point-spread-function engineering with a recently developed aberration-free calibration approach, liteTIRF facilitates high-resolution three-dimensional single-molecule localization microscopy.

Find everything you need

Card image CAD modell of liteTIRF
CAD Model

The whole platform is modeled in Autodesk's Fusion360 software (free 3-year for edu use). Start building up your liteTIRF by fading in components top to bottom in the object browser (small light bulbs).

Get the CAD model
Card image Excel Table Icon

A complete list of components will makes the rebuilt easy. Ready to import shopping cart files make ordering comfortable.

Get the component list
Card image Micro-Manager software

The liteTIRF platform is made to work with open-source software packages like Micro-Manager and Picasso. Installation is straightforward with this manual.

Get the install manual